Cate Blanchett admits to feeling ‘dislocated’ from film fans

Cate Blanchett has admitted that she loves performing in a theatre.

Cate Blanchett feels “quite dislocated” from film fans.

The 55-year-old actress has enjoyed huge success on stage and screen in her career – but Cate has suggested that she actually prefers the experience of theatre acting.

The Hollywood star told ‘Extra’: “I often feel as an actor quite dislocated from the audience.

“When you’re working in film, you don’t know how many people have seen it. How they’ve seen it, if they’ve enjoyed it, and often you don’t get the figures, so you don’t know how many bums on seats there are.

“Whereas when you’re in the theatre, you know not only how many people are there, whether they leave, or whether they fall asleep, or whether they’re engaged. It’s a more fluid, direct experience and engaged experience with an audience, which I love.”

Meanwhile, Cate previously admitted that she missed the cinema experience amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

The veteran actress remains fond of the cinema experience, despite the rise of streaming platforms.

She told the BBC in 2022: “Personally, I miss sitting in the dark with strangers and I miss that about going to live music, to going to the theatre and to going to the cinema.”

Despite this, Cate expressed hope that cinemas could still see a revival in their fortunes.

The movie star – who has won a host of awards during her career, including two Oscars and a Tony – said: “Maybe I’m wildly optimistic, but I still hope that when things get a little more stable, I think people will crave to see things large and big in a cinema, so what looks like a disastrous situation for cinema could actually be a positive.”

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